
Announcing 2 new UI animation course bundles (save big)

Based on feedback I've received from my customers, I'm announcing the creation of 2 new UI animation course bundles.

Micro-interactions & Dashboard Animations bundle

Micro-interactions & Dashboard Animations bundleThere here are a LOT of designers who have picked up my most popular UI animation course (UI Animation Fundamentals). You...

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The 4 ways to leverage UI Animation in your design portfolio to land that high paying techย job

Over the years of teaching UI animation and helping designers and animators integrate motion into their online portfolios, I've noticed a major trend: designers do not integrate motion well into their online portfolios.

When it comes to the strategic design of your portfolio, it's important to...

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Double your speed with 24 UI animation with AE keyboard shortcuts

Click here to download the PDF Document.

Ok so full confession, I LOVE keyboard shortcuts. I love being fast and building my ui animations in after effects with lightning speed. I don’t expect you to get blazingly fast right away, but you are guaranteed to at least double your overall...

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How to parent icons in After Effects

Follow along and download the free 'parenting icons' in After Effects project assets

I seriously couldn’t think of a better title for this tutorial, but trust me it’s got some seriously good tips.

Basically the idea is that I wanted to share how I would set up a simple parented...

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